Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Schematics for the MAX 6566-6567 adapter

I just draw the schematics for the VIC II-adapter in my MAX.
If you have any questions or find an bug - please write me...

Here it is:

PDF: MAX-6566-Adapter.pdf


  1. I designed a custom PCB for your schematic which is slightly smaller than your breadboard prototype (2 grids less tall, 1 grid less wide), I'll give you a heads up once the boards arrive and have been tested. See:
    If you're interested I can forward 1 board to you for production costs ($6 with OSHPark)

  2. do you have a stripboard layout for this please?

  3. Sorry, I build it in my mind.
    I only placed the chips on a solder-point-board and did the connections with small wires.
    Try it!
